Anglo Amandelbult Tumela Mine

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Company Information

N.B For Inquiries contact Mr Dube@0766635415

Positions Available To Apply For

°Electrician N3-N5
°Mechanical Engineering
°Diesel Mechanic
°Electrical Engineering
°Occupational health&safety
°Office Administration
°General worker
°Driver Code 10&14/Pdp
°Security Grade C
°Mine captain
°Belt attender

°Dump truck
°Tower crane/Mobile crane

Benefits:Medical Aid&Providend funds plus house allowance

grade 10 and grade 12(NQF level 4)
tertiary record,diploma
matric certificate,4-5 years experience
clean and presentable
fluent in english,NCVL2-L3
Tax clearance,to parcitipate in groups
drivers license,able to do manual labor
no criminal record

The applicant to ensure that Hr has received the application before closing date of the advertisement.note that if you have not been contacted within 30 days of closing date of this advertisement please consider your applications as unsuccessful.any questions regarding the application or recruitment process should contact Mr Dube on:0766635415

Contact Business

Biz zulu
  • Contact Person: MR DUBE
  • CellCell: 0766635415
  • HomeHome: 0766635415
  • WorkWork: 0766635415

Provide the seller with your contact details

Necessary fields marked with *

Classified Number: 3231132
