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Getownmed is an online medicine provides that helps with immediate delivery of medicines. We provide medicines that are FDA approved. The medicine sold by us are only prescription medicine that makes it easy to get at effective prices. We take order in bulk if needed and lets you enjoy best of the medication that leads to immediate recovery. Our medication is for the treatment of anxiety disorders and pain killers. The medicine which is primarily on offer are for erectile dysfunction in men. The common medicines which are on offer are Modalert 100, 200 Mg tablets, Alko 1 Mg tablets (Xanax). We also provide effective medicines that gives treatment with erectile dysfunction as Cenforce 50,100 Mg tablets, Fildena 50 Mg tablets.

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  • Contact Person: GetOwnMeds
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  • CellCell: 3157451025

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Address: 1699 Olazu Square, United State 87109, Los Angeles, California, United States Of America

Classified Number: 3441665
