My Meds Shop

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Company Information

Our pharmacies present a wide selection of medicines stored under proper storage condition, at the most affordable price. Our big network enables you to buy genuine medicines. People from any part of the country can buy our products easily.

There is no minimum purchase need to be the part of MYMEDSSHOP. Our vision is to make the reach of rare medicines of those people who live in rural areas, who face problems in critical situation. Whether you are in town or you are in a village, you will get the medicines that you want, and on right time.

Contact Business

My Meds Shop
  • Contact Person: My Meds Shop
  • email
  • CellCell: 19712202439

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Address: 1699 Olazu Square, Miramar, Florida, United States Of America

Postal Address: 87109

Classified Number: 3440752
