Ruths Pantry

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Retail Stores
Gauteng (Johannesburg)
Jobs at Ruths Pantry (1)
May 17, 2021

Ruths Pantry work in partnership with premium food producers across the world, and with retailers large & small, to bring the finest food brands to and from Africa.

We thrive on being able to import and distribute a diverse range of brands from all over the world. Our mix of suppliers range from small family run companies to larger multinational organisations.

Using our extensive network we also connect African premium food brands with buyers from around the work

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Ruths Pantry
  • Contact Person: Ruths Pantry
  • email
  • CellCell: +263774292752

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Address: 8 Hillside Road Metropolitan Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Postal Address: , 1ST Floor, Block B & Block C Johannesburg 2196

Classified Number: 3245694

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