Xiamen Make Locks Key Systems Company

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Company Information

MAKE lock manufacturer offers high quality and cost-effective locks like M Lock, Cam Locks, Vending Machine Locks, Push Locks, Laptop Locks, Pad Locks, Cabinet Locks, Locker Locks, Lock Barrels, Security Locks, Key Switch Locks, Cabinet Hinges with the international certification of SFS-EN ISO 9001 (certified No. CN07/00608).

MAKE lock manufacturer wins a lot of fame,not only within domestic areas but also at abroad for its design,quality,durance,and service.Since the start of our business in 2000,we have established beneficial cooperation with many countries in the world.MAKE lock manufacturer will continue to expand lock business network more widely,just contact us.

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Address: NO.29, Houshantou Road, Shenqing Industrial Area, Guankou Town, Beijing, China

Classified Number: 3196146
